Joshua – Victorious Living in God’s Promises
Joshua 6:1-5
Welcome to the Highland Park Full Gospel Assembly Church
Looking for something to do this Sunday. Come join us for our worship service. Located at the border of Highland Park and Eagle Rock.
Announcements September 17, 2017
- Thank you to all those who support the Gospel through your giving!
- Bring a friend to church.
- We’re air-conditioned! Come join us every Sunday.
- If you would like to be baptized, please see one of our Board members – Bro. Toyo Hamaguchi, Bro. Chuy Olguin, Bro. Ron Wolff, Sis. Elizabeth O’Connor, or Sis. Daisy Hartman.
- September is Membership month. If you would like to become a member of the Highland Park Full Gospel Assembly church, please see one our Board Members.
- Annual Business Meeting – Tuesday, October 17th at 7:00 p.m. Save the date.
Sunday Morning Sermon
Brother Toyo Hamaguchi
6-6-7 The Mark of the – Joshua Generation
Joshua 6:1-5
Weekly Services
- Sunday School – 10:00 A.M.
- Adult Class – Sister Elizabeth O’Connor
- Sunday Morning Service – 11:00 A.M.
- Children’s Church – 12:00 P.M.
- Mid-week Service coming soon. Watch for further announcements
- Thursday Prayer Meeting – 11:00 A.M.
Food for Thought
“If the devil were wise enough and would stand by in silence and let the Gospel be preached, he would suffer less harm. For when there is no battle for the Gospel it rusts and it finds no cause and no occasion to show its vigor and power. Therefore, nothing better can befall the Gospel than that the world should fight it with force and cunning.”
– Martin Luther
Prayer Requests This Week
- For Sister Teresa Claw, for healing
- For Sister Shirley Claw, for healing
- For Sister Janet Wolff, for healing
- For Sister Leona Thomas, for healing
- For Chris Kane, Pastor Pat’s mother
- For the family of Ralph Maldonado, Bro. Toyo’s childhood friend, for comfort
- For La Finca de Los Ninos orphanage in Honduras, for more workers
- For protection and quick recovery for those impacted by the recent hurricanes
September Birthdays
3 – Ann Marie D’Rousseau
14 – Josie Orellana
22 – Ana Ranitu
22 – Christopher Lopez
23 – Chuy Olguin
27 – Betty Rose Orellana
Our Fundamental Truths:
The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. The Scriptures declare: His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His substitutionary work on the cross, His bodily resurrection from the dead, His exaltation to the right hand of God (Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:31 & 35; Hebrews 7:26)